Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Slow and Steady

Well the weekend turned out to be a no brainer. Saturday I came into the office for a bit and finished the audit for SKMG Construction. Then it was home to lay around the house and pretty much do nothing. Shauna was too busy for a visit so that kind of sucked. I am not sure if I really got anything accomplished other that a few online fun poker tournaments, some reading...oh yes i went down to the book store and picked up a few more books. One is called GNOSIS and is another book about gnosticism which is cool. I also picked up THE KITE RUNNER which was recommended to me by Cat at Crush. Damn....that good looking and a brain....look out. And finally I picked up another copy of YOU ARE SPECIAL. And after I bought it I remember it was Hunter's birthday on Sunday so I told Taps to take it to the party and give it to him.....unfortunately taps forgot...oh well guess that means i have another copy of the one of the greatest kids book ever written.

Sunday I got up early and made it into church. It was a good sermon, and one of the teens did a presentaion on his trip to mexico to work in an orphange. That was pretty cool It was the end of summer so the place was packed. Dyron gave a great talk about capitalism that I enjoyed very much.

After church was finished, i had to rush downtow for a third degree practice at the lodge hall. I am not sure why I went cause clay was not there, and without him, I pretty much had nothing to do but sit there. Mo is being raised and it looks like he needs a little help with his ritual and memory work, so I offered to help him in the coming week before the ceremony.

Sunday afternoon and evening I spent most of my time reading and writing. Yesterday was 911 so i watched more than enough news, including good old GW's speech. Yesterday and Today have been slow and steady at work. Not too busy, but just busy enough to keep you moving. Not much else to report.

I plan on taking it easy this week. I might go to Edmonton on the weekend but we will see. It is also Jen and JHos birthdays this weekend so there will be plenty of partying if I so desire it. Saturday night at the back alley looks promising. But I am just going to take it as it comes.

Thats it for me Peace Out


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