Saturday, September 09, 2006

Saturday morning

Well it is bright and early saturday morning. The space shuttle atlantis just took off on a mission to install part of the international space station. Outside the sun is shining. Leiza (Omars daughter) will be getting married today in Edmonton. The war in Iraq is still making news. Tropical storm Florence should reach hurricane status in the coming day or so, however she probably wont make landfall, so I am not paying too much attention to her.

The later part of this week was spent working on a safety audit for a local construction company. It was a great experience. After failing my audit I was determined to take the high road, and do whatever I could to audit them, the way I would have like to have been audited. It took a lot more work. We worked on parts of the documentation that were a little short, and got them up to par. Ironically the parts of their audit that were lacking were the same as mine....job procedures and statistics. Luckily, after my audit I was in a position to provide some guidance on these areas, and I am confident they will have a great safety program as they move ahead.

Outside of work, we went back to lodge on Thursday. It was a long night. We didnt really have any visitors, which makes it even more of a priority to get out and do some visiting this year.

Last night, as always, was my night out on the town. Jessica and I started the night at Morgans with a few bevies. JC joined us for a couple games of pool, all of which I won. Which also meant that JC had to buy me a couple shots. As can be expected this is where things get blurry lol. After Morgans it was off to Melrose, which was pretty cool. Jen joined us as well as Lindsey, and a couple of his friends. Jessica and I were drinking "Ice Bergs" which is a neat drink. It is basically a pint of Keiths, topped with frozen margarita mix. After Melrose Jess, Lindsey and I went to Sals. The sound system sucked, so we did not stay long. Then it was off to the Rhino. The Rhino was pretty dead, but the music was good so we stayed awhile. As usual, when the drink started to hit me, I walked home, ate some left over egg rolls and went to bed.

I got a text from shauna last night. I guess Tina was at the Atmosphere show in Edmonton. I asked her to say hi from me, as I havnt seen her much since leaving the bar bizz. I should make a note to try and track her down when i am in edmonton next.

Not much else to report. Hoping to get some laundry done today, and if I am lucky shauna will get a few minutes for a coffee as she will be in town with Atmoshere at Mac Hall tonight. But, I wont get my hopes up too high, cause I know how busy she is.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. Talk to you soon


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