Wednesday, September 06, 2006

New Counter

Day two of the new blog, and all is well. I have installed a counter which is kind of neat. It basically tracks all the people that log onto my blog. It sorts them by unique visit, return visit and something else that i forget. From what I also hear they track 100 sites a month, and if I pay some extra money they can even tell me from where they were linked to my site. Although I dont know if they can tell if you just type in the URL, that would be kind of strange.

Work is still a little stressed. I am still upset about failing my audit last week, but I submitted all my paperwork and am hoping to hear from the board this week. I am hoping for a limited scope audit to be conducted in October or November, lets cross our fingers.

Also at work I am extremely short staffed. Marguerite, Wilbert, and Steve have all gone back to school, leaving me with just Rob and Jason. Now dont get me wrong they can handle just about any job that comes at us, but with only 4 arms, things just take a little longer. And as murphy law would dictate, I am in the process of 3 move-backs...ya isnt that great.

Lodge starts back up tomorrow, and I am looking forward to seeing all the guys. I am hoping we dont have any degree work in september, but I am sure we will have a degree in two weeks. Although thinking about it now, I think there is another degree team taking care of that, or so I hope. I am going to try and plan a bit more visiting this year. I think I would like to pick two other lodges in town, and try to make it to their lodge meetings each month. This would put me in lodge once a week. I think this will be good for both my networking, and for getting to know some other lodges before I am thrust into one of the senior chairs. I am also hoping to convince one or two of the other "younger" guys in lodge to accompany me, not sure who yet, but i will keep you posted.

On a more personal note, I really think I need to find a girlfriend this year. I have never really made it a priority, but being with Shauna this weekend really reminded me how nice it is to just hang out. I dont know how easy it will be to find such a girl, but I really need to start looking, or convince Shauna to start dating that be strange, after like 12 years Shauna and Newman hook up...stranger things have happened.

I have also promised Dyron that I will shuttle one of the older members of Campbell Stone to church the next few weeks. This should ensure that I get my ass out of bed and get down to church. It has been awhile. I guess that when Lodge is not in session I tend to forget about it. But with Lodge starting this week, I am going to try and make a firm committment to get my ass to church starting this week.

Dad would like me to be in Edmonton this weekend for Leiza's wedding (Omar's daughter). I am not sure if I am going to make it, cause I dont really want to go to Edmonton again this weekend. There are other reasons I would like to be in Calgary this weekend, but I wont get into them.

Thats about it.....Nooman out.


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