Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Born Again

Well after much deliberation I have decided to continue my journal blog under another name. Maybe this way I can say what I want to say. If you dont like what I am saying please just dont read my blog, as I am not going to pull this blog. I would also ask that people try to keep linkiing to a minimum, and I will also make sure that this blog contains no links. It is simply here for me to write what I want, when the fuck i want to write it. It is basically a journal, so if I write something political, it is there for me to try to sort through my thoughts, not to implie that I know anything about anything....Fuck who does....I am just a guy trying to live my life just like everyone else tapping into this crazy cyber-arena.

You should also be aware that I like hurricanes and extreme weather in general. I love religion, but dont consider myself a member of any one train of thought, I am just a guy who believes in a God. What exactly that means, I havnt a clue. Like many people I am not fully satisfied with my job, my non-existent love life, or my life in general, but I do believe I try to make my life better everyday, in whatever way I can. From all the "I's" you see in those last sentences it is easy to assume that I am a bit of a narcissist, in that, it is my life and I am the one that has to live it. But not narcissistic in a controling or pathological way, but would love a comment on that from my more scholastic readers like Linny.

As for an entry today, I dont really have anything to say, except I really had a good time this weekend with Shauna, and wish that it did not have to end. I also wish that some of the people in her life were not so controlling. Controlling and Manipulative people are disgusting. (I hope I am not controlling, would love comments on that one) And I hope she finds a way to get out of their grasp, so that she can enjoy herself, her freedom, and her general awesomeness. I also hope that she has an awesome tour with Atomosphere this weekend, in Edmonton, Calgary and Saskatoon.

Dont know what we will talk about tomorrow, but if i dont come up with something, i will just write a bunch of bullshit to keep the pages turning.


Blogger AlienLuvChild said...

No, you are not controlling, despite your best attempts. :) As far as the narcissism, it's all about balance, there's nothing wrong with thinking about yourself first and others second in the right situations as I am slowly learning.

10:45 PM  

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